Survivor Sanctuary
The Sanctuary Collective

Our Story
So, let me tell you a little bit about what you can expect from a Survivor Sanctuary session. When people join us, I want them to feel that they are, for the afternoon at least, stepping out of the dark and cold, and into the light and warmth.
When you arrive you are personally welcomed by one of our volunteers, they’ll make you a cup of tea, just to your liking and my mum will have been busy baking some delicious home made cakes for you to choose from. We’ll ask how you are and genuinely want to know the answer. Our afternoon will be filled with arts and crafts, or a well-being activity - there will be plenty for you to pick and choose whatever you feel comfortable with. Our conversation will be light hearted and we’ll get to know each other more.
There will be laughter, or perhaps a zen like silence of concentration whilst we get stuck into our crafts. And perhaps like me, your brain and the constant stream of thoughts will quieten down whilst you focus on creating something beautiful. The crafts are yours at the end to take home and it’s likely we’ll have some home made goody bags for you to take away and enjoy. You’ll never be expected to share your experience of abuse, but should you want to, we’ll listen. We will share our knowledge and experiences and sign post you to specialist organisations whose values align with ours.
Our collective strength comes from being supported, feeling safe and most importantly, seen.
L x
Survivor Sanctuary Founder and Survivor